Towards an Academic FabLab for Chonnam National University (CNU) : PhyGital artefacts for academic creativity and innovation
Smart Media Architecture Lab
On Friday May 12, 2023 a full day ideation workshop was held at Chonnam National University, School of Architecture with faculty and students in architecture and media design to imagine PhyGital (Physical and Digital) artefacts for a Sister FacLab at CNU.
Jointly organised by the University of Geneva FacLab (Jean-Henry Morin), Chonnam National University Architecture Urban Design (Juntaek Kim, Christian Barde, Sunhyung Kim), Dong-ah Institute of Media and Arts (dima) and PARAFE, the goal was to start imagining the design of a Sister FacLab at CNU. Five teams of Students from architecture design, media and communication, culture and tourism management engaged in this journey to propose 15 ideas out of which five were further developed in concrete propositions while discovering co-creation methods.

This is the first step towards imagining a Sister FacLab in Korea and we’re really looking forward to further develop the collaboration. The contribution from this area of the world with its culture will be truly valuable for the FacLab Commons. We look forward to the next steps of this project.